Sheep, goats and cloven-hoofed game
Starter for rearing lambs, which can also be ordered in the STARFID® J CCC option with a component of plant extracts limiting the development of coccidia and other pathogens in the intestine.
KABIR® and its other variants are part of a comprehensive range of mineral mixtures (with vitamins) for sheep, goats and cloven-hoofed game. KABIR® B is also suitable for organic farms, KABIR® Se org contains an increased amount of selenium in organic form.
Milk replacer Telfid® J Acid
In the case of ewe having lack of milk, lambs left without a mother or in the case of multiple births, you need to have the high-quality milk replacer at hand. Its composition fully meets the nutritional requirements of lambs and its advantage, in addition to buttermilk or skimmed milk powder, is also high content of whole milk powder, which adds natural and for young animals highly digestible milk fat to the mixture.
Further information on each product can be found in the following documents
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