For organic farming

Our company has long been dedicated to organic farming, in which we see the future and we support it. As a shareholder of the farm SVRATECKO, a.s., we advocated the transition to an organic farming system. Based on many years of practical experience with the nutrition of pigs and cattle, we are able to provide qualified advice in organic farming. Over the past years, our company has developed a number of products designed specifically for businesses operating this way.

For cattle

Concentrate Bio

It serves to supplement protein to cattle, which is difficult to access in organic farming. It also supplements micro and macro elements.

VAMAG B, STANDARD B, SELMAG B, MONOPHOS 80B (mineral mixture for individual cattle categories), PETATEL B 



For pigs

Universal SAS

Mineral feed, intended to supplement minerals and vitamins to complete feed mixtures for pigs.


For sheep and goats


Starter for securing the nutrition of young ruminants. Thanks to its palatability, it is very well accepted by animals.


    Mineral feed for sheep.


Starter designed for successful rearing of lambs.

Further information on each product can be found in the following documents

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