Company history

Company history

1995 – foundation of our company

1999 – building of warehouse and administration

2000 – launching of the line for production of mineral-vitamin mixtures

2005 – launching of the line for milk replacer production

2006 – new warehouse with mobile shelves for finished products

2007 – addition of microdosing to the line of production of mineral-vitamin mixtures

2008 – modernization and addition of the control sieving section of the line for milk replacer production

2009 – construction of new administrative facilities

2010 – launching of the small package packaging line

2011 – building of an operational laboratory

2013 – commissioning of NIR analysis

2015 – new warehouse for finished products

2016 – addition of second microdosing system to the line of production of mineral-vitamin mixtures

2017 – GMP+ certification (GMP014821)

2018 – non GMO certification

2019 – new warehouse for feed materials

2020 – installation of photovoltaic power station with battery storage

2021 – extension of the operational laboratory